
Works Cited
Baker, Jason D., and Thea C. Johanos. "Abundance of the Hawaiian Monk Seal in the Main Hawaiian Islands." Science Direct. Web. <>.
Brillinger, David R., Brent S. Stewart, and Charles L. Littnan. "Three Months Journeying of a Hawaiian Monk Seal." Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collection (2012). Web.
"Hawaiian Monk Seal (Monachus Schauinslandi) - Office of Protected Resources - NOAA Fisheries." Hawaiian Monk Seal. NOAA Fisheries, 9 Jan. 2012. Web. <>.
"Hawaiian Monk Seal." Monachus-guardian. 2006. Web. <>.
"Hawaiian Monk Seal." National Geographic. Web. <>.
"Hawaiian Monk Seals." Earthtrust. Web.
Kretzmann, Maria B., William G. Gilmartin, Axel Meyer, Gerard P. Zegers, Steven R. Fain, Bruce F. Taylor, and Daniel P. Costa. "Low Genetic Variability in the Hawaiian Monk Seal. Baja Variabilidad Genetica En La Foca Hawaiana." Conservation Biology 11.2 (1997): 482-90. Web.
McClenachan, Loren, and Andrew B. Cooper. "Extinction Rate, Historical Population Structure and Ecological Role of the Caribbean Monk Seal." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 275.1641 (2008): 1351-358. Web.
Rice, Dale W. "Population Dynamics of the Hawaiian Monk Seal." Journal of Mammalogy (1999): 376-85. Web.
Svihla, Arthur. "Notes on the Hawaiian Monk Seal." Journal of Mammalogy (1999): 226-29. Web. 


  1. You should have scientific literature here, like a formal paper would. It seems that there are some websites that may be primary lit, but you should reference them in scientific format. I use EndNote web, which is free through the UW, and it will spit one out for you really easily so you don't have to go through the BS of actually typing in all the little commas, periods, and other silly stuff for referencing.
    Nathan Churches

  2. Its lame of me to do this, but, ditto what Nathan said. Also, I think there was a required number of sources that we had to have. Its on the class website under the web project tab.
